Ready to Take Your Creative Abilities to the
next level?
Excel Story
Established over 30 years ago, EXCEL School of Performing Arts has seen thousands of young performing artists enter its doors and depart with purpose, confidence and excellence. EXCEL School Of Performing Arts offers tertiary education in the performing arts - tailored study pathways include DANCE, DRAMA & MUSIC.
Allister Ngawati-Salaivao
Choreographer | Prestige Dance Crew
Excel was the start of my love for the Arts, more specifically Dance. My first ever teaching job was from my tutor at Excel and the rest is history.
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Jazz Thornton
Co-Founder | Voices of Hope
Excel came to my high school in 2009. I remember watching their performance and listening to their strong message and going "One day, I want to do that."
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Junior nansen
Musician | The Levites
In 2005 I joined Excel to pursue my passion for Music, majoring in bass guitar. Excel provided me with the support and expertise to refine my skills as a bassist and set me up for a career in the music industry.
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Creative Ability?
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