Course Fees
How much does it cost to attend EXCEL?
Level 4 Certificate
Total for Certificate students:
$8634 incl GST
(this includes a Tuition Fee of $8032 and a Compulsory Student Services Fee of $602)
Level 5 Diploma
Total for Diploma students:
$8634 incl GST
(this includes a Tuition Fee of $8032 and a Compulsory Student Services Fee of $602)
Commitment and Administration Fee
$150 incl GST
A commitment and administration fee must be enclosed with a student's letter of confirmation accepting the place offered them in the EXCEL School of Performing Arts. This fee is in addition to the tuition fees listed above. If a student declines their place before the course commences, the commitment fee is non-refundable. It should be noted that EXCEL, unlike other similar organisations, does not charge an audition fee, in spite of the fact that there is considerable expense in processing each application.
Compulsory Student Services Fee
$602 incl GST
This fee is included in the above total fee for a students tuition.
It covers school resources such as counselling, medical, sport and recreational activities etc.
Click for Fee Breakdown
Are there any other extra fees?
International Students' Fee
$15,238 incl GST
Additional Expenses
Students may incur additional expenses which will vary depending on the major subjects chosen.
(NB all figures are subject to change).
The government has changed the way it is doing Fees-Free. You will need to pay for your courses upfront (either with a Student loan through Study Link or Bank Deposit/Cash). If you’re eligible, your final year of tuition fees will be covered but only after you have passed the qualification and as a refund from the government.
Student Loans and Allowances
Eligible students are able to apply for student loans and allowances. Please note that a student must be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident to be eligible. Forms can be obtained from Studylink Centre, Private Bag 11070, Palmerston North (Freephone 0800 88 99 00 or via the Studylink website). You can also apply for your loan online through the website.
For any queries, please feel free to contact our office and talk to one of our staff who will be only too happy to assist.
For further details regarding loans, allowances and course related costs, check out the Studylink website.
Awards and Scholarships
If you are of Maori descent, you may be eligible for financial assistance. Application should be made to the Special Education Service He Tohu Umanga Matauranga, Manaaki Tauira Grants and other sources that support Maori students.
Withdrawal and Refund
It is the stated policy of EXCEL Ministries Charitable Trust Board of Trustees, to refund to any student who chooses to withdraw from the course within the first eight days of the course the total enrolment sum less $600 (or less 10% of the total enrolment sum, whichever is the lesser) as withdrawal from any given course is effectively withdrawal from the establishment. Withdrawal must be given in writing.
If after eight days it becomes apparent that the course level is inappropriate for the student, the option of transferring to another course with no fee penalties will be considered.
Those students who terminate their course of study after eight days, but before thirty days, may have their fees held in credit for re-enrolment in the following year. Fees will not be held in credit for more than one year. Any other situation will be regarded as non-refundable. If a student is required to leave the school because of breach of school rules, no refund of fees will be given.
In the unlikely event of de-registration, or partial or complete withdrawal of accreditation, EXCEL will either provide a refund pro-rata for the balance of fees or provide ongoing tuition at a similar level acceptable to the student.
EXCEL has provided students with insurance protection against financial failure on the part of EXCEL in the form of a performance bond underwritten by Bank of New Zealand. This bond is subject to the terms and conditions of the contract entered into.
Updated October 2023. All details subject to change without notification.